Tuesday, March 9, 2010

not 100%

So I have been trying to blog everyday this month. I missed yesterday mostly because I went to work in the evening and totally forgot about it.
I will keep trying, though.

Today I want to say that I am desperate. How do you wean a child?? What works for you??

I bought Carnation Instant Breakfast today at Superstore and am going to see if chocolate milk works.


Chantel said...

Let me know if it works. I am really needing to wean as well. She just needs to stop getting sick though.

missLaura said...

it is all about the sippy cup. Buy all sorts of different ones. Soft ones, hard ones, ones with straws. Seriously, once you find one she likes she will drink pretty much anything.

Anonymous said...

Decorate yourself with a smidgen of rubbed-in mustard.

Ashley Dawn said...

My kids cut themselves off at 9 months. I can't do anything about it. I think it's a blessing in disguise...