Sunday, April 27, 2008


Have you guys ever registered at a store for anything? We did when we got married. It was really fun, taking that little zapper thing and making an ultimate wish list. I know that people sometimes do it when they have babies, too.
Well, I have a new idea that I would like to sell to the powers of capitalism. A gift registry for anyone who is potty-training. Buying toys is the only thing that has worked for Levi, and had I known this before I would have done it a year ago. For a while we were bribing him with Disney cars (from the movie). We have since bought just about every single one. Now, to get him to poop we have promised him a tool set. Result? 5 times in a row, just like that!

The only problem is potty-training, like getting married or having a new baby, is breaking our bank. We need a potty registry to keep this thing going.
Hmmmm.... maybe it is not our bankbook with the problem. It is that our 3-year old is way smarter than we are, and is milking this experience for all its worth!


Sarah said...

That is so funny! And hooray that you found such a great motivator, the potty registry is a great idea :) Maybe you could just sign up online and have it emailed to grandma and grandpa...? :)

Marilee said...

Cool tool set. Whatever it takes right? I don't even remember what I did, but I do remember that by the 5th child I didn't care if he was in diapers for ever.

Anonymous said...

I remember that Manya would take us to the cleaners when it came to potty training. She had a list and would continually add to it until she had entire meals of desserts and treats. Back then, we never thought to offer toys.
I think you might be on to something in the capitalism arena. The only problem is, why do the grandparents care if the kid is never potty-trained? So why bother fulfilling the wish list?

Ashley Dawn said...

that's hilarious. Kids really are smarter than we give them credit for. I wouldn't completely disregard that. Levi's SO cute. Good luck with him continuing....sigh. It really does seem endless, doesn't it? Saryn's showing signs of wanting to start and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea.

Ashley Dawn said...

ps - to Mary's comment. Grandparents care because the Grandkids come to live with them and let them get potty trained at their house instead. haha.

missLaura said...

Boys and their tools. sigh...