Sunday, March 30, 2008

toddler talk

This video is not to show-off how articulate Enoch is, but it does give you an idea of how he is progressing in the speech category. Other than singing Happy Birthday, his favorite thing to say is "doh 'way!!" (Go away.) It is so cute because he tries to say it in such a mean and take-me-seriously sort of way, but how can those big eyes say anything but love me?!


Anonymous said...

the token kids in the bath shot! love it, keep it for their wedding!

Anonymous said...

good little talker - i can totally understand happy birthday.

ec said...

so cute.

Ashley Dawn said...

Holy smokes he's HUGE!! I haven't seen them for way too long. I guess since Saryn is walking and talking he should be too..... He's doing really well. What is Levi doing in the background?

Anonymous said...

What does Ash mean, "huge?" His head looks huge. He still needs some meat on those bones! But, nevertheless, the sing-a-long is very cute. So are the naked shoulders.

Anonymous said...

oh, looking and watching this makes me miss Enoch so-o much! i love and miss you guys!!! Pam