Tuesday, March 1, 2011

kiddie kwotes

Mom, my brain has run out of batteries.
- Enoch

Daddy, the only thing in my brain is PS3.
- Levi (when not allowed to play video games)

I'm sad that Jesus died and I know I can eat and go to the temple.
- Enoch composing a song

I did it!!!!!
- Monet

Mom, it smells too good so that I don't want to eat it.
- Levi

Q: Mom, what's a tiquity?
A: Well, an antiquity is something really old.
Q: Is Daddy almost a tiquity?
- Enoch

Levi: Is this all the movie is?
Dad: Yes, this is it.
(While watching a scriptural documentary on the NT. You have to know my husband to understand why he picks that to watch the kids Sunday night with popcorn).

Mom, when I grow up I want to be an underwear artist.
- Enoch


L. P. said...

Too funny. The things that kids come up with.

ec said...

love this.

we miss you guys!