Wednesday, September 3, 2008

childhood memories

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about how great the cartoons were in the good old days? (I'm talking 1985-90 give or take a few years). Remember Gummi Bears? Smurfs? Transformers? Thundercats? The Green Forest?

Then usually the conversation turns to how silly, ridiculous and unimaginative cartoons are these days. I am not talking about Simpons, Disney/Pixar movies etc, more about the Saturday morning cartoon genre.

We have recently rediscovered one of my all-time favorite cartoons, Ducktales. These shows were awesome, I tell you! My neighbour had them all recorded onto VHS, and my brother, sister and I would borrow tape after tape and watch these priceless animation wonders for hours. WE LOVED THEM!! I can still remember the theme song. (A-whoo-hoo!!)

But the sad thing is, along with this rediscovery, I have come up with a new discovery: the show is absolutely abominable. Uninteresting, plotless, boring, you can barely even understand what any of these silly ducks are saying!! All these years I have thought that creators and writers and animators have lost their skill, but really I am just a lot harder to please. I think I would have been just as happy with the sad Saturday renditions of today as I was with the glorious drawings of yesteryear.


Anonymous said...

You have finally discovered why parents sleep in on Saturday mornings. Avoidance.

Andy said...

ha ha... i love this!it's so true! dan and i always reminicse about old cartoons, we always think we are excited to watch the smurf's christmas when it is on, but cannot understand them and end up bored.

sarah said...

I felt the same way. I loved the Ducktales. One of my favorites was Inspector Gadget. Mackenzie downloaded the cartoon series. I thought it was great...then I was quickly bored.
My kids love it, though.

Ashley Dawn said...

hehehe, Duck tales, eh? I'm a little disappointed. There were so many better ones....sigh. I guess I was always ahead of my time (or really difficult to please).