Saturday, September 27, 2008


Everything has been going well. We arrived at the hospital at 7 am, and it wasn't until 9:45 that I could actually convince Levi to wear his hospital gown. He sure is vocal about anything that he opposes as the entire day surgery unit can attest to! There were at least 5 other kids there yesterday (all of whom wore their gowns without a fuss), waiting around for similar surgeries, so it was nice to know that Levi isn't exactly a guinea pig for the doctor. It was also comforting to see other kids come out of surgery with their eyes intact before Levi even had to go in. Levi went into surgery a little after 10, and was out by 11:15. He slept it off at the hospital for awhile, and then came home and slept it off some more. He refused to open his eyes until we turned on Little Mermaid last night (we don't own it, so it was a novelty). His eyes are still crossed, but not as much. The inner sides of his eyes are really red a bloodshot, too. We had a doctors appointment this morning, and she said that's normal and that we need to wait and will be evaluating his eyes again in 2 weeks.

Levi is more himself today, crawling around like a lizard in public and fighting with his brother as usual. He is no longer grumpy like he was yesterday. I think our only big challenge left is getting drops into his eyes every 2 HOURS. This is a major struggle every time and has to be done for the next 2 weeks. Any tips?


Anonymous said...

bribe Bribe BRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

every 2 hours? brutal- is that even through the night.
glad to hear it went well.

Andy said...

every 2 hours is brutal!

the only way I can get eye drops into my kids is fast and furious.

i catch them off-guard and sit on their chests with their arms pinned under my knees....

.... and you thought I was a good mother....

Ashley Dawn said...

um, pinning my kids down and holding their heads between my knees didn't really I'm out. I'm glad things went well though. I know that it's super stressful for you too. Try to relax a little bit too.

Marilee said...

Glad it all went so well. We had a nice visit with your mom (and dad) last week. She cracks me up!

Marilee said...

Glad it all went so well. We had a nice visit with your mom (and dad) last week. She cracks me up!