Tuesday, November 18, 2008

what are the odds??

Picture a two year old, screaming his head off at the hospital. He is face down on the floor with his head in his hands crying for his life. Legs are sprawled out wide and people are looking in disbelief. No, Enoch did not have an accident or anything, and we did not have to go to the ER. While we were at the hospital today for Levi's eye check-up, Enoch happened to see another child with a blanket that had the same backing on it as his. YIKES. Knowing what happens at home if Levi even touches is "banky," it was quite the scene trying to pry him from the innocent tike sitting safely (thankfully) in a stroller with some sort of barrier between the two. Enoch was not a happy camper! You would think that we would be safe from something like this happening, considering that the blanket was hand-made by a stranger living in a small town in west-central Saskatchewan.


Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't have your video camera on you so that you could share his outburst with everyone at his wedding reception in a few years.
Of course no one blames him for all the tears; they just wonder what kind of terrible mom you are to make him act like such a lunatic.

missLaura said...

That is sad but probably true anonymous.
Owen has a blanket from the same stranger and he loves his too.

Ashley Dawn said...

Ahhhh, the life of a mom. It's those moments that we'll miss one day, right? I seriously doubt it, but I have been told...