Wednesday, July 11, 2007

the boy who cried woof

Levi has this new thing that he likes to do whenever he in being told what to do. I think it started when I asked him to stop being so 'rough' with his brother. Now he uses the same word to show a little disobedience as he does what is asked. Granni asked him the other day to stay upstairs and not play downstairs. "Ruff, " he said. I asked him to put on his glasses, and he answered with a "Ruff." He does the same thing if I remind him to be nice to his little brother, or to go eat his food, or anything else bothersome but necessary for a 2 year old. I am just glad his bark is worse than his bite.

1 comment:

Andy said...

That is so funny. Kids are so entertaining hey? So sad that I missed you in Leavitt last Sunday! p.s. i love the pics of the boys.. especially Enoch with the bubble - priceless!