Monday, January 14, 2013


Thad is growing like a weed. He is just too cute and I am afraid that the kids have asked me more than once, "Why is Thad your favorite?" I sort of feel bad but I reply that this is how I feel about all babies and that I was this nice to them when they were babies, too. I tell them that just cause I make them do chores doesn't mean I don't love them (actually, I tell them the opposite is true, the more I love them the more I get them to clean....), and I also say I am always nice to Thad cause he never says anything to me with attitude and is never rude to me. What no one else gets just yet is that they have no need to feel jealousy towards this baby brother. 'Cause in just 4 short months, he, too, will be booted into big kid territory, and there will be 4 kids to clean and do chores while I change newborn diapers.

I don't really think that they are jealous. And I do think I could improve on my patience with the older children out of fairness to all.

Here are Thad's words that he is saying at 18 months.
ball (ba)
bath (ba)
thank you (ga goo)
love you (la lou)

I am always amazed at how babies, even though they can't say much, they can certainly understand a lot. For instance, I can tell Thad to take his sippy cup and go give it to Daddy and he will get you milk. And he does.

He also will go and open the fridge and just pull out the milk himself. He is a milk junkie and I am trying to subdue that the best I can.

Other Thad highlights:
- he pulled the Christmas tree over onto himself this year. Screamed like a banshee and didn't go near the thing again. Lesson learned.
- he now goes to nursery!
- he gives kisses when he is supposed to say sorry. it. is. so. cute. I almost want him to hit me so I can get one of those little kisses.
-he loves baths, balls, canned fruit, Daddy, and hockey sticks


Becky said...

Congrats! Five kiddos, that's so exciting! I wish Randy would get on board with that idea...ha!

Chantel said...

Congratulations....5 kids....way to go.

The Pratts said...

Loved both updates! And congrats on #5! So exciting! You're the woman. :)

The Coopers said...

Awe thats so cute that they think Thad is your favourite! I think my kids think the opposite of my Cash because I am always yelling at him to get out of stuff.. its never ending!! Thats funny he knocked over the tree and was scared.. Cash knocked ours over 4 times, lets just say he wasnt scared at all.. he's a stinker! He sounds so cute, I love that he gets his own milk.

missLaura said...

all you need to tell the older kids is "I love Thad the most because he has the biggest cheeks" sounds like a delightful little boy