Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This past weekend we went to Saskatoon. It was really awesome to see the old haunts and places that were such a big part of our life for 4 years. It was even better to see our roomies of 3 years and hang out with them for the weekend, along with their kids. Pam and I are both very pregnant which made it extra fun - you can complain all you want about how sore you are etc to someone else who feels the exact same way.

It was also so nice to go to church! How I miss Wildwood! So many familiar faces. So many new ones, too. It was great to catch up with friends, but I quickly realized that next time I need to plan for a girls night or something. 2 minutes at church really just doesn't cut it. Not one little bit.

The Easter Bunny came while we were all at church, and the kids had a blast searching for candy with their cool Easter buckets. Levi and Enoch definitely got their fair share of the candy, the younger kids were just as happy with a few jelly beans and chocolate eggs. We had a great dinner with ham and twice baked potatoes. MMMmmmmm. I asked Levi to sum up what Easter means, worried he might talk about the candy. But he didn't, he summed it up with "An empty tomb."

How grateful I am for a Savior who lived, died, and lives again! I love Easter. I think maybe even more than Christmas. Its really the same celebration, but in the spring this time. What's not to love?

1 comment:

missLaura said...

So great to see you Sachie! I enjoyed our late night and early morning visits. I was thinking about the question you asked me and I have to change my answer. Yes, I do bake pretty much every day.