Tuesday, October 20, 2009

princesse monet

My dear little girl is such a princess! When she first came into our lives I had a hard time calling her that. It seemed way to girly, especially after having two boys and calling them "bud" or "superman" or something similar.

But Monet REALLY is a princess. When she was a newborn, we borrowed a bassinet from a friend. She would not sleep in it, until we laid an extra blanket in the bottom and then she loved it. Just like princess and the pea. Now, she can not sleep through anything. Poor Levi and Enoch are just about never allowed to really enjoy themselves while she is sleeping. Having creaky hardwoods doesn't help, and neither did having the washer/dryer right next to her room.

Last Saturday we switched her room with the boys, so that she would be further from all the action in the house. It has helped so far, but now anytime someone flushes the toilet... watch out! I feel like the whole family is on tiptoes trying to keep our sweet princess happy with plenty of beauty sleep.

Our princess is proving to grow and develop at an astonish rates. She has been crawling for over a month now, and is already pulling herself up on furniture. She has two teeth that are screaming "wean me," and a keen eye for whenever Mommy or Daddy leave the room. She is right in there with the boys when they play cars or lego, much to Enoch's annoyance and Levi's delight.


Ashley Dawn said...

She is SUCH a sweet little thing. It would be CRAZY frustrating with the sleeping. This is why all our kids have humidifiers in their room. The moisture is nice, but I MUCH prefer the white noise that gets them to sleep through ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

When MY babies were tiny (new), I put them to sleep under the diningroom table, so that they would learn to sleep near the middle of all the action. It worked too well: now they sleep through everything.