Monday, May 3, 2010

foot in mouth

Do you ever get caught with your foot in your mouth? That sort of happened to me this weekend. As I already mentioned, the boys were sick last week. Friday night Josh succumbed to the illness, too. I thought, HA! Serves him right for all that garbage he likes to eat.

Apparently I must eat a lot of garbage, too, cause I was sick with the exact same thing Saturday morning. Turns out the only one in the family who eats right is Monet.

On another note, our house recently doubled in size! Our renters moved out, and while we didn't mind them one bit, nor the rent they paid, it was really time to get more space. We have spent the entire day moving and organizing and unpacking and giving away and cleaning..... the house is a bit of a disaster but at least upstairs is starting to look reasonable.

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