Sunday, June 7, 2009

the little one

It is no secret that I wanted a girl. Not that there is anything wrong with boys, but after having two of them it felt like it was time to have a girl. I was so delighted to have a living, breathing female in the house to side with me in the future when the rest of the family doesn't want to go shopping, or when burping at the table becomes too rowdy.

However, getting used to a girl certainly was a new thing. I couldn't call her a princess at first. But now I do all the time. I still swear that she will never dress up in princess clothes, but I am sure that, too, will change with time.

Pink was a bit foreign at first, but I am used to it now. It helps that Nemo looks like a boy unless she is in pink. Dresses still seem a little silly to me. Don't get me wrong, she is adorable in dresses, but whenever I put then on her for church she just looks a little....I don't know. A little.... fake. Like she is really this total tomboy with rolls from her elbows to her knees, that is dressed up for Halloween to be a girly girl.


Josh said...

For security reasons our kids will now be taking on aliases on here--as evidenced in this post.

The Coopers said...

So cute! She is getting so big already.

Ashley Dawn said...

She's so precious. And if she has anything to do with her cousins... she'll be wearing princess dresses in no time! Also, I'm curious as to how a girl will be on your side with the burping at the table.

Anonymous said...

man, is she ever getting big. gosh, they grow up so quickly.


ec said...

i still feel like she should be itty bitty.

so cute!

Jen - the mom said...

totally get the dress thing - i love the dresses but it still throws me when i put a dress on paige!