Thursday, April 23, 2009


She drew in a deep breath. "Well, I'm back."

It was so fabulous to be gone. Houston was warm and humid and sunny. And it was some awesome bonding time for my girlfriends and me, as well as for Monet and me. But it is great to be home. I missed the boys of my life.
Details and pictures to follow.

Can you name the book quoted at the top???


Josh said...

oh I know! I know! pick me! pick me!

Marvelous Marvel said...

Hi! how was your trip?

Chantel said...

Welcome back

Ashley Dawn said...

It sounds like a great book....but I'm lost. Glad you had some good girl bonding time. Can't wait to hear more...

stone's eye view said...

Ask your dear hubby and he would know for sure. Can you get it with that hint alone, without actually asking him?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it is from the Book of Josh, who, upon your return from the Deep South, drew in a deep breath and heaved a huge sigh of relief.
