Monday, May 11, 2009

the eldest

Here was his prayer tonight, completely unaided:

.... Thank-you for this day.
Help me be 5 so I can go to kindergarten like Tayson. Even though I am only 4 right now.
It doesn't matter if you're the biggest.
It doesn't matter if you're the smallest.
Some people say it does matter if you are the biggest. But it really doesn't.
Help me not to say rude words....

I guess his vote is to go to kindergarten. And we have been talking lots about who is biggest and smallest and whose house is biggest and smallest etc etc etc. We have also had to discuss a lot about when it is appropriate to use "potty talk" and when it is not, particularly because of the potty-training going on around here. It is so nice to hear that he actually listens.


missLaura said...
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missLaura said...

It is true, size doesn't matter. Except if you are my tummy. The it matters!

Ashley Dawn said...

haha! I love how we find out that they actually ARE listening. Any headway on your decision?