Monday, December 3, 2007

prayer power

Here is an example of one of Levi's prayers. I usually help him, and he repeats what I say.

Mom: Dear Heavenly Father
Levi: repeat

Mom: Thank-you for my family
Levi: repeat

Mom: Thank-you for my blanket
Levi: repeat

Mom: Thank-you for my cars
Levi: repeat

Mom: Help me be nice to Enoch
Levi: repeat

Mom: Help me go pee in the potty
Levi: I don't want to go pee in the potty.............

That is when we have to wrap things up. On one hand I should be glad that I have proof that Levi actually wants to be nice to Enoch. On the other, I worry if Levi's faith is stronger than mine, and which prayer will be answered; mine or his.


ec said...

oh man. what a kid.

good luck.

Anonymous said...

that is so funny Sachie. I made Woody read it, we laughed.
Where does he come up with this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Ah, Grasshopper, you must remember that all prayers are answered, even yours. It just might not be the answer you want.
Can he help it if he's stubborn like his dad?