Friday, August 29, 2008

second guess

This week we got a very late letter in the mail saying that Josh is accepted into U of A for education. Yes, so nice of them to give us a fair amount of time for planning, I know....

All week we have been weighing our options. Why are we in Saskatoon? Why are we in school? Is this the right thing? Where are we supposed to be? Should we stay or should we go? Honestly, for me, the idea never really appealed to me. Once we move to Edmonton it will fulfill the circle we started years ago when we first got married and swore we would never live in certain places. Those being Idaho, Deathbridge, Saskatoot and Dedmonton. Once we move there and end up loving it like the rest of the places (Idaho excluded), I feel like the world could collapse into itself from the irony of it all.

We have decided to stay. Why trade one cold winter for another? Maybe if it was Bermuda or something.

I just hope we are right.

Friday, August 22, 2008

enoch is two!

Last Sunday was Bo-bene's birthday. It was a bit of a gloomy day for him, he woke up with a fever and sort of dragged around the house all day. We still had a cake and opened a couple presents, though.

Here is how he spent most of the day when not pretending to want to eat cake.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

brain teaser

I came up with this brain teaser in the wee hours of the night.

Point A: You are behind a door with a sleeping, dead weight child on the other side of it who fell asleep on the floor instead of his bed.

Point B: A child is feeling sick in bed in the same room as the first child.

Question: How fast can you get from Point A to Point B, will it be in time to get child B to Point C, a toilet????

Answer: No matter how fast you are, even if you are Superman, you will be standing helplessly at Point A by the time it is too late.

Monday, August 18, 2008

enoch's prayers

They have been going something like this:
M=Mommy. E=Enoch

M: Dear Heavenly Father.
E: Father
E: Batman!
M: Thank-you for Batman
E: Spiderman!
M: Thank-you for Spiderman.
E: Doc Oc!
M: Thank-you for Doc Oc.
M: Thank-you for my family.
M: Amen.
E: (angrily) Star Wars!!
M: Thank-you for Star Wars.
E: Amen.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

breaking dawn

Have you read it?
I didn't know what to think. I read it this weekend while staying at my in-laws. They were so nice and would find ways to watch the kids so I could sit and read. Talk about a vacation!!!

But really, what to think? I don't want to say anything for fear that someone hasn't read the book yet, but I need to talk about it with someone. Have you read it?